Udzinarta mze 1992

Drama Crime

The Sun of the Sleepless. The film is about a doctor named Gela Bendeliani (Elgudzha Burduli) and his wealthless family in Tbilisi in Soviet Georgia. In the film Gela Bendeliani has an unlimited capacity for generosity and forgiveness.

Tous les titres
  • GE: Udzinarta mze Udzinarta mze
  • DE: Die Sonne der Wachenden Die Sonne der Wachenden
  • PL: Slonce czuwajacych Slonce czuwajacych
  • RU: Солнце неспящих Солнце неспящих
  • GE: The Sun of the Sleepless The Sun of the Sleepless
  • : The Sun of the Wakeful The Sun of the Wakeful
Date de sortie 05 Jun 1993
Lien IMDb
